Some would say an easy thing, others would say not so easy. Depends on the person, the situation, and the context. Then again, doesn’t that apply to many other things as well? 

Communication for Sugar Arrangement. 
Boundaries (link to other article). We discussed this in our other article here titled ” ”. The article rightfully states that boundaries of what to expect in a sugar relationship can run from one extreme to the other. Others are also quite rigid in their rules, while others are much more malleable. It seems to be the answer here is as varied as they come - whatever works for you, and what ever you are comfortable with - be it give me a chocolate bar once a week, to a new Ferrari every month while you whisk me away to the south of France is you prerogative (By the way, if you do get the Ferrari once a month and a trip to France, please call me).
When do I bring it up. 
Most would give the advice, that it is best to set your boundaries and expectations at the very beginning of any sugar relationship. Better to get it out the way, than wasting your time and his, by having completely different expectations. Most would argue that establishing clear and firm boundaries as an online sugar baby is very important for maintain a simpler and mutually beneficial relationship. How do you do this? First, begin by being transparent in your boundaries, and communicating your expectations, along with your limits with your sugar daddy. This will set a positive tone for your transparency and connection. You should always clearly define what aspects of your sugar relationship that you are comfortable with, as well as what you are not comfortable with.

Some would argue that you should be strong in expressing your needs of privacy and discretion. However, this should be done to be programmatically financially equal to your comfort levels, It is best to consistently assess and communicate your boundaries to your sugar daddy as you relationship continues. A relationship that continues to grow with a sense of understanding each others needs, and building up that special trust between the parties. This approach, is one of being proactive, which if implemented, will help your well being, and enhance your enjoyment of being a sugar baby an online sugar baby only.  

Do I go big or do I do it gradual

Going big is fraught with risk and with someone already calling you something you may not like hearing. Its best to communicate to the other party perhaps what you are looking for now, short term, and hopefully long term. Lets make a distinction now between gifts, trips, and allowance. If you are simply seeking gifts, be it anything you particularly like, does one even need to be a real sugar baby as opposed to a virtual baby? You can find more information on our previous article here “LINK”.

Now, being a virtual baby is much harder and than a real sugar baby. The reason being the person on the other side wants to meet you - face to face. But, on the off change their life is perhaps busy, or they are not sure what they want, or their goal is to first get to know you, maybe there lies that chance. Of what about you. Maybe you have decided you don’t want to meet any sugar daddy, or perhaps you don’t want to meet this sugar daddy unless you are truly comfortable and in a safe space. So Virtual Sugar baby may be the way to go here. Although remember, its a small sector you are working here, and it takes a lot of finesses and understanding for the other party to agree to this. So, best to have a good heart to heart conversation and explain why you want to be a permanent virtual sugar baby with him, or a potential sugar baby in real life down the road. It may work for you.

Now for whether going big or small when starting out, its best to start small. Show, that you don’t need much - a bobble or two is a nice way to start off. Many sugar sites have a registry, for a virtual or real gifts. You can always point out that is something you always liked or wanted, and wouldn’t it be nice to have it in the near future. While others, state upfront, they are looking for an allowance - some large some small. That is a whole other matter - and the sugar daddy hunting on this is like looking for the great white whale - someone to pay you a monthly allowance. For this big fish, lots of hunting and preparedness is needed - not an easy fish to catch.

What about trips? This is one of the best gifts for both parties actually. You get to go on an exotic location. Hotels that are great, soak in the sun and water. great food, and of course, other gifts follow here while on the trip. The other person gets to see you, spend time with you, and will most likely shower you with more gifts. A big win win for everyone. However, this usually occurs after a certain amount of time before each party knows each other. Then again, I knew a girl, who would would only seek verification and off she would go to a new location and a new date. She loved it, and had the spirit of an adventurer. The only problem was, hard to get verification here at times, and it did bite her in the backside literally. One of her sugar dates left her stranded after his money had run, and his patience.
Set your own expectation and boundaries right from the get go meeting your sugar person. Doing so upfront, solves a lot of potential problems, and makes for a smoother experience down the sugar road. If you fail to do this, then use good judgement in reading your sugar daddy, and state your expectations when you feel comfortable in doing so.


Written by:
Joyce DeWitt