Ah, the do’s and don’ts of the first date. You would think by now, that most people would have the fundamentals down, but they don’t. It seems to get worse each decade due to some would say the increasing use of technology at our fingertips.

Everyone has their favourite horror dates, which always tend to invariably include one of the ten commandments of thou shalt not do the following on the first date. Lets take a look at a few and part words of wisdom here to the daters. Here is our top 10 list we compiled for you.

Be on time. I don’t know how many times I have said to someone be on time. It shows that you care, you are not someone who takes the date lightly, and you can be relied on. No one likes waiting for someone else, especially on a first date. A few minutes is okay, but anything over 10 is a huge red flag.

Polite You would think by now this rule would be ingrained in every human possible before a first date. But no, many people are quite rude - some know it, and some don’t. Nothing turns off a date more, than a person who does not treat them well, or is not polite during the first dinner conversation. Make sure you go out of your way to be polite on the first date, otherwise there will be no second date.

Being too forward. This has become a bit tricky in this generation. Usually, one is told to keep their expectations physically to a minimum, relax, and go with the flow. Let things flow naturally. However, with various dating apps physical expectations may be different depending on what app you were at. Still, its best to play it chill, and let things go at a natural pace.

Be Interested. We all have horror dates here where we were either ignored, or the other person feigned interest. Even worse, when the other party dominated the conversation, or were ego driven to the max. First rule of thumb here is LISTEN! and then ask some follow up questions. Even if the person is talking about their pet spider, show some respect, listen, and ask a few questions. It wont kill you to do so, and will make your date feel good about themselves during this time.

Cost of Date. The age old question who pays for the date? The consensus is split here. Some say the man, others say the person who asked you out, while others say going Dutch i.e. split the bill is the fairest thing to do. Well, if you don’t believe the man should pay, then the next best piece of advice would be whoever asked the person out should pay. What I don’t agree with is that some people say you should discuss it on a date, and ask what the parties feel is best. No. Doing this can be awkward, and the other party will always say “lets split the bill”. Take charge, and pay it yourself if you can.

Don’t Dress Like a Slob. You would think this would be so ingrained in peoples heads today to make a good first impression. Nope. Many horror stories exist for both sexes. From inappropriate to downright leisure Larry aka showing up in sweat pants. The only person who can show up in sweatpants or a potato sack is a supermodel. That is it, no one else. And no, you are not a supermodel. If you are, then call me. Otherwise, make an effort, and dress what you feel good in, that suits your style. Don’t try something really new that you are uncomfortable in. Stick to what works best in your fashion world.

The Phone from Hell. Again, you would think common sense would prevail here, but no, that is not the case for a lot of times. How many dating shows have you seen, where one person keeps going on the phone and ruining the date for the other person? You would think after seeing this and also in countless movies, you would get the hint. Nope. Many people still do this, constantly looking at their phone. Even worse, they type in front of you! How rude. Best way to avoid this, keep your phone off, or in your purse or pocket and make it non visible for the date. If you must go to your phone, tell your date in front of you, call it an emergency and apologize for your actions - it will go a long way in taking consideration the other persons feelings.

Don’t be rude to the waiters. Again, common sense should prevail here, but it never does for some people. You don’t have to show how tough you are by being overly critical or rude to your servers. They are people too. Do not look down on them, by being patronizing and condescending. Just be polite, cool, and nice to them and your date will see that you too are a good person. Not difficult to follow for this rule at all. Treat others as you would want to be treated if you were doing there job.

Medical History. You would think this would be the last thing you bring up on a date, guess again. The last thing a date wants to hear is about your liver transplant over a plate of linguine. Keep your medical history private until you are married. Even then you can always hide a few embarrassing things and no one would blame you.

My previous relationship. Always keep any chat about your ex to a bare minimum. Also, only bring up your ex if you are asked. No need to bring it up during drinks and dinner. No one likes to hear about someone’s past relationships. Even one step further do not ever say you were the one who was dumped and that you are still not over it, or pining still for them. Worst move ever. It makes you look needy, weak, and not ready for this date. All things you do not want your date thinking about you.

SUMMARY. Here are 10 sure fire ways to have a good and decent first impression on your first date. Stick to these tried and true commandments and you will be fine.

Writen by:

Edna Powerseon