We are asked this question on rare occasion - can someone be a sugar baby in the virtual world only? Yes, but it is not an easy thing to do. We will explain why and how a bit later.  


First, lets see what the first steps are in how is it done to being a Sugar Baby online. To be a sugar baby online without meeting in person one must first establish which site is best to go to. There are many sugar dating sites, that will easily accommodate this. We suggest looking for a sugar site that has a filter that perhaps may have that criteria. For example, under its what type of relationship you are looking for, it may have the heading “online relationship” only. Note, It is rare for a sugar dating site to have this particular criteria, but it does happen on occasion. Once you do see this availability, simply check then appropriate box, and you are ready to find your virtual sugar daddy. 

How what happens if your site does not have that criteria available? If the site you use does not have that particular criteria in the search parameters, then the best advice would be to put either in your profile heading, or somewhere in bold on your profile text of what you are seeking. Namely, to put “seeking virtual or online sugar relationship only”.  

By doing this, you immediately give notice to prospective sugar daddies and mommies. that this is what you seek, and what you seek only. This will also immediately limit those suitors who would have no interest in this type of sugar relationship. Question - If I now find someone, who I do not want to meet in person, what can I offer this sugar daddy? In this digital type of relationship, let’s call it sugar baby virtual, you can still seek financial support, any form of mentorship, or even virtual companionship or friendship. There is no amount of face time you cannot to that will possibly forget some form of a bond with your sugar daddy or mommy. 

The emphasis here on this form of relationship will be maintaining a discreet online presence, the ability to use various different communication platforms to connect, Once your are able to build up a support with your sugar daddy, connect emotionally, this may offer the opportunity to have a sugar relationship without necessarily meeting in person. In short, this type of dynamic arrangement allows sugar babies to create the dynamics of a sugar relationship, using technology of various websites, to create their limits of acceptance while enjoying the benefits of a sugar daddy;s financial generosity and emotional guidance.  


Boundaries for a sugar baby can run the gamut from strict to fluid, to I really don’t know what my boundaries are, and will see as I go along, Most would argue that establishing clear and firm boundaries as an online sugar baby is very important for maintain a simpler and mutually beneficial relationship. How do you do this? First, begin by being transparent in your boundaries, and communicating your expectations, along with your limits with your sugar daddy. This will set a positive tone for your transparency and connection. You should always clearly define what aspects of your sugar relationship that you are comfortable with, as well as what you are not comfortable with. Some would argue that you should be strong in expressing your needs of privacy and discretion. However, this should be done to be programmatically financially equal to your comfort levels,

It is best to consistently assess and communicate your boundaries to your sugar daddy as you relationship continues. A relationship that continues to grow with a sense of understanding each others needs, and building up that special trust between the parties. This approach, is one of being proactive, which if implemented, will help your well being, and enhance your enjoyment of being a sugar baby an online sugar baby only.  

How do I find an online sugar daddy? 

As we touched on before on this article, the journey of being an online sugar baby is not an easy one. Being an online sugar baby, is being someone who will not be meeting in person. To achieves this goal, of being an online sugar baby only, and without meeting in person, one first find the right sugar daddy site. This could also mean using several different daddy sites, and increases your opportunity of finding that sugar daddy who also does not want to meet. 

The most important would be setting out your goal and being upfront on your profile of your limits and wants of being a sugar baby online only. However, it does not stop here. Always remember to try to create the most compelling profile as possible, while highlighting your true self qualities of your personality. Along with, interesting and genuine pictures. Employ a combination of charm, wit, and genuine interest in your virtual exchanges to attract potential online sugar daddies. It is best to remember, to build up trust and a connection takes time with your sugar daddy. Be honest and upfront of your virtual limits, that in the end will benefit both in the virtual space and platform you are using.  


To be successful in having an online virtual sugar baby experience only, requires fines and very strong open and honest communications. To get your sugar daddy or sugar mommy to keep your arrangement only online, you have to continually preach the benefits of such an arrangement. This can be for the reasons of maintaining discretion in your real life, the mystery of this discretion online only, and the ability like this to even have a stronger emotional connection. One advantage could be the easiness and convenience of virtual face to face chats, one that is flexible and easy for both parties. Try to emphasise that limits could be explored online only, and that a physical meeting would be more complicated, and possibly not as great as online. As well, being online only works well for parties that are far from each other in another state, country, or even continent. It allows for sugar daddies and sugar babies to have virtual conversations and connections all around the world, This allows for the potential or idea that a virtual arrangement can as fulfilling and beneficial as any other.  


To receive gifts or money in the online world of sugar dating, without having an in person face to face meeting, requires trust and discretion, Make sure to have an open dialogue and communication with either your sugar daddy or sugar mommy. Always try to use a secure financial platform, one that is well known, reputable. Cryptocurrency can also be an option for some sugar babies. 

Always prioritize your safety when receiving funds or gifts. Never share your personal bank details. Try to use the various digital banging or money sending services. Such services, offer to ensure both parties' confidentiality. Make sure to set clear goals in regards to your payments schedule, and the type of methods you will accept. Try to be as transparent as you can in telling the other party to respect your privacy in this financial arrangement. 

Hopefully, you will be able to maintain both a balance of trust and caution while being an online sugar baby only, while valuing your financial and personal privacy in these financial transactions. 


Always be as safe as possible when meeting someone online in person from a sugar dating site. Make sure to prioritize your safety first is your primary goal. Here are some important suggestions to consider when meeting your sugar daddy for your first date. Research. Before you meet, try to find everything you can about this person and or their profile. Try to see if any other photos match to other sites, or ask the person for some personal information that you can use to validate their identity. Identity. To confirm who you are meeting, and that they match their sugar profile, suggest to have a face to face video chat. This will allow you to hear their voice, see them by video, and confirm that this is the person you have been talking to from their profile. It will also allow you to later identify them when you finally do meet. 

Communication. Instead of giving your real phone numbers, there are many apps and services that allow you to use a number or App that is not your own number, and gives you a layer of privacy and security. Public meeting place. Always use a public meeting place, Make sure the space is well lit, full of people, and the establishment is not isolated. Suggestions would be popular coffee shops and cafes, busy bars, and popular restaurants. Friend knows. Always leave details about your date where you going, time, place, et to a good friend and or family member. Send them a text, or tell them personally with written down information of where you are going and at what times. Always share your location of your date to a third party you trust. 

Eating and drinking. If you do decide to drink, please do minimally and responsibly. Never drink a lot of alcohol on a date with your sugar daddy or sugar mommy. Having a clear head is best for a fun and safe date. Instinct. Always remember that your safety and security comes first. This is the most important. Trust your instincts if something feels a bit off or strange. Never hesitate to end your date at any time you feel unsafe. Always make sure to have help nearby. 


As we are all very aware of online dating, and online sugar dating can have its problems. Lets look at some of these issues before you are able to connect with your online virtual sugar daddy and sugar baby relationship. Physical Appearance. The use of photo shop has distorted all natural elements of what are sugar daddy’s should look like. Look for photos that are as realistic as possible of your potential match. Also, ask your potential sugar daddy to send a new photo if you are not satisfied with your present selection of photos.

Sometimes we are too quick to judge as well. This is referred to as the swipe culture - the ability to move on for something continually better. Some would suggest that first build up a potential group of sugar daddies where you become friends, and then decide which one you shall pursue. Always look for commonalities with your sugar daddy. The art of deception. This is common not only to sugar dating sites, but to all dating sites, the use of misrepresentation. Always try to verify information, and always use caution when meeting your sugar daddy for the first time. The use of deception in dating sites, called catfishing is something our site tries to remove as quickly as we are notified of. There is nothing more disappointing than finding your time, energy, and hopes have all been wasted. Small note, if something appears too good to be true, then use extra caution in your expectations. 

Another issue to be made aware of is something referred to as romance scammers. This is when instead of your sugar daddy offering you financial support, they reverse the requests, and begin asking you for financial assistance. Immediately, remove yourself from any situation where the sugar daddy is asking you for funds. Also, be way of any sugar daddy or sugar mommy is asking you for personal information, especially financial information such as banks, accounts, credit cards, gift cards, etc. Be wary of sharing any sensitive information.  Be also wary of receiving funds from your sugar daddy through cryptocurrency, They may even try you to invest such a site or instrument, and we would strongly suggest do not get involved. Also, do not click on any links your sugar daddy sends you without you requesting the site. At times, such sites may be infected by malware and other types of links that can cause damage to your computer and information. Always remember to put your safety first, along with your information, take precautions and trust your judgement.


Written by:
Jonathan Marks.