Polywog, what does this mean, and how does one define the general term? In addition, how does this term relate to the new modern dating world? To start, you can find the word Polywog in any community that identifies as polyamorous.

In its simplest form, Polywog means someone who is being introduced for the very first time to polyamory. This is the idea of ending the social structure of individuals who were once part of the mainstream world of hetero single binary dating.

The word Polywog references the tadpole. Just like a tadpole, there are different stages of development being a Polywog. There are various steps in one’s journey to be a full polyamory, and Polywog is obviously in the initial or early stage of their exploration. and emergence in polyamory. This brief essay will look at how polywog relates and finds success as a new individual in polyamory and the dating world - the issues. experiences and growth as an individual.

Let us be clear, that if one is a Polywog it is more than the simple definition given above. It also includes one’s perspective in the dating world - a particular identity where one is open and willing to break free from the norms of society. As well, it’s a binary code of dating. So simply being new to Polywog does not anoint one immediately as a Polywog status, rather, one has to open up and be curious. That is, embrace and interact with the different variations of polyamory, and experience those new forms of relationships to be a true Polywog.

Let us now look at some of the key identifiers and building blocks of what it means to be a Polywog.. The first and most important key to being a Polywog is curiosity. To be naturally curious in exploring the different variations up and down on the gender scale of Polyamory. This exploration can mean many different things to different individuals - from reading articles online, going to community meetings online or in person. Also, simply meeting similar individuals who are into polyamory or Polywogs like you - and discussing issues on various relationship forms. So. exploration plays a key role which is a derivative of curiosity as one critical element of being a Polywog.

Another element to being a Polywog and creating building blocks is the exploration of polygamy. One has to challenge the notion, structure and ideology of monogamy to be a true polywog. In the beginning, Polywogs continually question the creation and identity of norms from monogamy. They create from active and objective questioning and criticism. By doing so, it allows a Polywog to seek various different forms of dating in the relationship world. Even if one hasn’t fully entrenched themselves in any ideology or actions of polyamory, the key here is simply to continually question the norms of monogamy.

To be a proper Polywog, one must most definitely have to engage in a new openness. To experience new things and ideas that excites a polywog. To engage and interact in relationships that are contrary to the hetero normal binary world of dating. A true polywog will attempt to try new experiences and as many new relationships as possible. Regardless of whether a particular identity, relationship or gender. It may make them feel strange or uncomfortable in the early beginnings but that is a Polywog, The reason for accepting this is to be successful as a Polywog, One must be open to any experience that is different in your previous dating relationships. To break down the barriers and move past the Polywog phase in one’s growth in polyamory.

Polywogs must understand that in this particular phase of polyamory they have much to learn and experience in the various relationship types. Polywogs must want to learn and develop skills and understanding for the various forms of relationships they will encounter and interact with. Openness and growing one’s mind is the key to success in a polywog dating world. The ability to learn is fundamental for future success and happiness.

Identity and what does it mean to the Polywog,? I was described above as being a temporary solution. Simply a transition form of one’s identity as it evolves over the course of various stages to end up in a particular area of polyamory bliss. Where one is now satisfied and happy sexually, emotionally, and mentally. Polywogs must remember that their identity is very fluid at this stage. Once they’re able to interact in various forms of relationships they will then be able to successfully move on to the next phase in their experience of polyamory.

Let us now look at some of the obstacles and issues that will face a polywog. in the New World, a polyamory dating. The challenges here for the Polywog are unique and specific to his. initial phase of being a polywog. The most common obstacle for a Polywog when dating is a lack of experience. This comes in both understanding and seeking new relationships in the polyamory world. As they slowly enter this new structure they will encounter many obstacles, difficulties and complexities that they have not experienced before. They will have to understand the guidelines put in by the various polyamory groups as well as their own personal guidelines when it comes to possibly dating different genders, different identities and different relationship structures of more than one at a time.

Polywogs will soon realize it is not easy to have several relationships at the same time. With more than one individual, many emotional issues will come to the forefront. These emotional issues will affect the Polywog, their partner, other partners, or all in various parts. The emotional issues vary and can be singular or plural in nature. Non-monogamy is not an easy path of happiness for all. Some of the feelings the Polywog will experience will be experienced by all parties - For instance, the green-eyed monster of jealousy. One could add to that layer of insecurity as well. Let us not forget confrontation. All of these and more emotional issues will certainly arise early on in the Polywogs exploration.

In the end, being a Polywog will have its challenges. However, there is great growth available here to a Polywog and the ability to experience, try and find happiness in multiple relationships. Key components will be education, clear communication and seeking out community help in various service groups. By being a Polywog, one should experience growth in one’s intelligence - both sexually and emotionally. By seeing this, they can see happiness in the modern dating world, as well as having more authentic and fulfilling relationships. 

Written By: Joyce DeWitt