A touchy subject for some, and with good reason. Giving a gift without knowing someone can be a little strange for some, here like me since I sent you some perfume, while others its a norm and nothing out the ordinary.

Lets take a closer look shall we? Some have stated that sugar gifting is in essence the whole concept of sugar dating. However, there can be a fine line here. Is it better to give a gift prior to knowing the person, do they expect a gift first meet, or it really doesn’t matter what anyone expects - I can send a gift If I like regardless. On the latter point, there are sugar websites where it can be up to the sugar person to send either a real gift via a third party affiliation. Here you will find the usual luxury type goods ranging from $50 and upwards. From flowers and chocolates to perfume, clothes, and expensive purses. The sky is the limit. However, some sugar babies do not like this. They do not want to feel obligated to anyone for anything. They will inform the person that you can send what you like, I will even point you to what I like, but I am under no obligation to reciprocate in any manner. Some sugar babies do not like receiving anything until they know a person. They do not want to feel like a commodity, or the start of a relationship to be transactional. 

Types Of Sites. 

Other sites take a completely different view and go to the extreme. There are sites where you can set a price limit for a date, in essence compensation is given upfront for dating a person. It seems that is popular with some people. Other sites have a live video, where the person will do nothing, other than chat, smile, and even do puzzles, while their admirers watch and send tokens. These tokens can then be transferred for either prizes or money. This sugar gifting is not only in the sugar world, there are many legitimate sites such as tik tok, and others, where tokens are given simply to gift someone while you watch them. So, the idea of gifting is certainly not new and exclusive to the sugar world. Which is actually ironic, since many media and search engines will call this sugar dating, but do not call it that when it concerns mainstream and popular sites. It seems hypocrisy still exists in the media.

If you delve further into sugar dating and gifts one can turn to Wikipedia, and other chat devices like Gemini where they hint that gift giving entails consideration given back, that it is expected. This is where they are wrong flat out. If another party expects something, that is their misconception. Only a sugar baby can say upfront what the expectations are, if any, its their rules that applies not the gift givers. All that’s required is a bit of politeness, with a thank you. After that, the sugar baby can go on her way, or continue the relationship - it is her call. If one researches the subject, there is another misconception, that gift giving is strictly a sugar thing. That in sugar relationships there is an immediate exchange of gifts, while in normal dating this is considered a red flag. On the contrary, bringing flowers on a first date is a form of gift giving. Buying dinner, tickets to a show, etc. all are a form of payment. While one party expects nothing from it, it is their choice, the other party is hoping that this form of gift flattery increases the chance of further dates, and a relationship.

The lines are quite blurred when it comes to sugar gift giving vs real life gift giving. 


Lets take a step back and see where the term was first coined of sugar gifts and sugar dating. It seems one Alma Spreckles (a hell of a name would you not agree you agree? Would make any novella proud) married Adolph Spreckles, who was to inherit a sugar empire made of money, and she called him her sugar daddy (there has to be a South Park episode in here somewhere). Now, for the sugar getting male, some sites refer to him as a gigolo - which is completely wrong. That is a form of prostitution, which sugar dating has nothing to do with.

In fact, where they do get it right, is the use of power and money to attract women, younger women goes back as far as history has been recorded. Some argue the greatest group of sugar gifting is to college students due to the rise of rent, tuition, and simply have extra pocket money for leisurely activities like clubs, dinner, and concerts. They have even done sociological studies for sugar babies and their gifts, and they have come to the common sense conclusion it all depends on the individual, their circumstances, their education, and their openness to different relationship types and values. 


There are two gift categories that sugar gifting fall into - money (allowance, or other means), and gifts, tangible gifts. It seems based on studies that many sugar babies prefer tangible gifts, what they consider luxury or pampering items. The list here can be quite exhaustive - from minor items such as perfume, gift cards, etc. to more experiences items such as clothes, dinner, or even trips to exotic locations. It seems the goal of these sugar gifts go beyond the mere act of gift giving. Rather, the receive of such gifts, the sugar baby, has a repeated desire for several things in her psyche - she wants to be treated like a princess, like a queen. Moreso, she deserves these luxuries in life, because of her beauty, intellect, personality - whatever it may be and the faith she has in that intangible quality - to be treated as if on a pedestal. 


In the end, sugar babies want their whims or desires to met, and one way of doing so is their ever present and traditional means of sugar gift giving, or regular gift giving.


Written by:
Joyce DeWitt