“Sugar dating” has been around since almost the dawn of time, but in the last decade, it’s become more of a talking point, with a growing number of people indulging in this stylish and luxurious lifestyle.

However, there’s not a huge amount of information on the demographics of sugar babies—the ladies who date older men and enjoy all the benefits that come along with this. That’s why we’ve analyzed data from Polly based on real responses from real sugar babies.

Polly’s data surveyed 2,583,259 people in the USA over the course of a year, ending on May 18, 2024. Let’s take a closer look at what this data reveals and statistical facts about sugar babies. 


  1. 22.5% of Sugar Babies Do It For The Travel Travel Opportunities
  2. Nearly Half of Those Surveyed Found Their Sugar Daddy on SugarDaddyMeet
  3. More Than 20% Of Sugar Babies Want A Generous Sugar Daddy
  4. Over Half Of Sugar Babies Enjoy Being A Sugar Baby
  5. More Than 20% Of Sugar Babies Are Younger Than 35
  6. More Than 17% Of Those Surveyed Are Californians
  7. Nearly 63% of Respondents Were Female
  8. Almost 30% Of Sugar Babies Surveyed Earn $40,000 - $80,000
  9. About The Data 


22.5% of Sugar Babies Do It For The Travel Travel Opportunities

When asked why they became sugar babies, Polly’s data shows that travel was the main motivation, while mentorship was the least. Let’s explore what the graph below reveals. 


22.5% of people who answered the question of why they became a sugar baby said they did so for the travel opportunities. Considering that Gen Z and Millennials are making travel a priority far more than previous generations, it makes sense that almost a quarter of sugar babies hope to see more of the world by dating older men. But what about the rest of them?

19.3% of respondents became sugar babies because they wanted a sugar daddy to support their education, while 17.6% said they wanted to live a luxurious lifestyle. Polly’s data also found that:

  •         17.1% became sugar babies for financial stability.
  •         16.8% of sugar babies want good networking opportunities.
  •         6.7% became sugar babies because they want to be mentored.

These last three groups all have something in common—they show a desire for success, either by being supported financially by someone else or by equipping themselves with the tools they need to get ahead in the working world. 


Nearly Half of Those Surveyed Found Their Sugar Daddy on SugarDaddyMeet

Sugar babies were asked to indicate which of three sugar dating sites or apps was the one they found their sugar daddy on. The graph below reveals where the most met their match.


49% of the sugar babies surveyed found their sugar daddy on SugarDaddyMeet, making this the most popular of the three options by far. Considering this site has over 7 million users and experienced a new membership jump of 67% during Black Friday week in 2023, it’s unsurprising it tops the list. 

The second most popular site was SugarDaddyForMe, which 32% of people in Polly’s survey named. This site was established in 2004 and has 4 million members and 1,000 new sign-ups every day. 19% of sugar babies said they met their sugar daddy on SugarDaddie. This is the oldest of the three sites, and it has around 300,000 monthly visitors and a 5 million-strong user base. 


More Than 20% Of Sugar Babies Want A Generous Sugar Daddy

All of us look for specific qualities in prospective romantic partners. According to Polly, generosity tops the list of the qualities that the 2,583,259 people surveyed in the USA look for in their sugar daddies. Let’s see what the statistics say.  


Generosity, supportiveness, respectfulness, and a fun-loving spirit – it’s safe to say that we would all like a partner with these qualities. They’re definitely important to sugar babies. According to Polly’s data:

  •         Support is what 16.8% of people look for in a sugar daddy.
  •         15.1% of respondents want a sugar daddy who is respectful.
  •         11.7% of sugar babies want their sugar daddy to be discreet – no kissing and telling!
  •         For 10.6%, their sugar daddy has got to be fun-loving.
  •         Being established is what 6.5% of respondents look for in a sugar daddy.
  •         6.5% of sugar babies want a sugar daddy who is mature.

But this is where the surprise comes in. Only 1.1% of respondents said they want their sugar daddy to be financially stable. This somewhat contradicts the 21.4% who said they want their sugar daddy to be generous and the 10.3% who want their sugar daddy to be successful, as these would both indicate financial stability. However, perhaps because sugar dating isn’t always a long-term prospect, the question of stability is a separate one altogether and doesn’t have as much influence. 


Over Half Of Sugar Babies Enjoy Being A Sugar Baby

Of those surveyed, more than half agreed that being a sugar baby makes them happy. For others, the experience was not what they thought it would be. Let’s take a look at what Polly’s data says.


The sugar babies surveyed were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with the statement, “I enjoy being a sugar baby.” The responses were surprising.

53.7% of those surveyed said they agreed. This means they enjoy dating an older man and all the perks that come with the relationship, such as being with a romantic partner who has worked through the baggage and dramas of youth to become a mature, stable, and successful person who can lavish them with gifts and give them a luxurious lifestyle.

However, 46.3% of respondents disagreed with the statement. This means that they do not enjoy being a sugar baby. They did not say why they disagreed, so we’re left wondering whether they would rather date someone closer to their own age, or they simply got involved with someone whose personality is incompatible with theirs.


More Than 20% Of Sugar Babies Are Younger Than 35

While more than 20% of sugar babies are younger than 35, Polly’s data proves that there’s no age limit on being a sugar baby! Discover which age groups are best represented among those who date sugar daddies.

According to survey results, 21.3% of the 2,583,259 sugar babies surveyed are between the ages of 25 and 34. This aligns with The Journal of Sex Research, which found that the average age of sugar babies was 28.76. However,  16.6% of sugar babies are in the 45-54 age group, and at just a point of a percent lower were those in the 55 to 64 age group (16.5%). 16% of sugar babies are 65 years of age or older, showing just how closely these three older age groups were.

In contrast,  15.9% of those surveyed are between the ages of 35 and 44, and only 13.8% are 25 years of age or younger, making them sugar babies in the fullest sense of the term - but also in the smallest numbers. 


More Than 17% Of Those Surveyed Are Californians

Sugar dating happens throughout the USA. Of those surveyed by Polly, the highest percentage live in the Golden State, California. Let’s see what the data says about where the other sugar babies surveyed call home.


There’s quite a jump between first-place California, at 17.1%, and West Virginia, at 11.2%, putting California firmly in the lead as the home of sugar babies in the US. California is one of the most expensive states to live in, but this may not have too much impact as Massachusetts is even more costly and is quite a bit lower down the list at only 3.5%.

Florida, Texas, and Connecticut had very similar numbers of respondents, with 6.9% and 6.8% tied, respectively, while New York was just behind with 6.3%. In the 5% region were Lousianna (5.8%) and Washington (5.5%), followed by Minnesota at 3.5%. 

Tennessee, Georgia, and Pennsylvania had minimal sugar babies, with only 2.9%, 2.8%, and 2.4%, then the figures dropped even lower. Illinois (1.9%), Iowa (1.8%), Rhode Island (1.6%), Kentucky and Oklahoma (both 1.3%) and South Carolina (1.2%) were between the 1-2% ratio, while North Carolina had exactly 1%. Barely registering numbers were the District of Columbia, Virginia, Indiana, Oregon and Michigan (0.5%, 0.4%,0.3% and tying at 0.2%). The jump between first and last places is a big one, and it will be interesting to see whether other states start catching up as this lifestyle continues to grow in popularity. 


Nearly 63% of Respondents Were Female

It should come as no surprise that anyone – woman or man – can be a sugar baby. However, according to Polly’s data, more women than men surveyed were sugar babies.


Polly’s data revealed that 62.8% of the sugar babies who were surveyed identify as women, and 37.2% of those surveyed identify as men. This means that there’s only a 25.6% gap between the two sample groups, which is perhaps smaller than many would have imagined. 

It’s unclear whether all the female sugar babies surveyed date men or whether the male sugar babies date women. It’s entirely possible that some sugar babies are in relationships with people of the same gender.


Almost 30% Of Sugar Babies Surveyed Earn $40,000 - $80,000

When some people think about sugar dating, they think of it in terms of an affluent older man dating a young person who earns considerably less money, but is that assumption accurate? What Polly found might surprise you.

The average salary in the US is $59,428, and Polly’s survey results found that 29.8% of sugar babies in America earn between $40,000 and $80,000. This means that the highest number of sugar babies earn the “average.” However, this average salary depends greatly on which states they live in and the associated cost of living. 21% earn under $40,000, so it’s understandable that they might want a generous, supportive sugar daddy.

Interestingly, the second highest number of sugar babies (22.4%) earn between $80,000 and $120,000, which is higher than the average median salary. 18.2% of sugar babies earn between $120,000 and $200,000, which means they can spoil their sugar daddy from time to time. While 8.6% of those surveyed earn between $200,000 and $500,000, putting a different spin on the term ‘sugar baby!’

Polly’s data busts many misconceptions and myths about sugar babies. Thanks to this insightful survey, you now have a better idea of who they are, what they look for in a sugar daddy, and where they met their sugar daddies, and you’ve gained other insights that help create a fuller picture – one that proves sugar babies aren’t limited to a specific type of person. 

About The Data

Polly’s data is based on independent samples of 2,583,259 people from social media platforms such as X, Reddit, and TikTok. The samples are from the US and cover a full 12 months, ending on May 18, 2024. 

The responses were collected and analyzed to produce outcomes within a 90% confidence interval and 5% margin of error. The engagement estimated the number of people participating in the location. 

The demographics are determined using multiple features, including people’s names, locations, and self-disclosed descriptions. Privacy was preserved using k-anonymity and differential privacy. Results are based on what people describe online—questions are not posed to the sample group.

 Written by:

Jade Evans