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A Dating Guide To Being Monogamous or Monogamy in General

A Dating Guide To Being Monogamous or Monogamy in General

Monogamy is the most popular form of relationship in the entire world, and with good reason. It is the supposed foundation of a functioning world and family. The bedrock or cornestorne of all civilization it has been said. 

Lets take a closer look shall we of monogamy and all the entails a monogamous relatiopnship. For those believe that love exists for only one person, and being in a relationshop with two people only, and doing so forever, then monagamy it is. However, fiding that special someone and love is elusive for many people and with good reason. It is not easy finding your one and only. This dating guide to monagamy and the search for a monogamous relationship, will offer some tips, facts, and hopefully insight into finding the right one, and making it last long term - which is everyones goal in a monogamous relationship.

The term monogamy can apply to all states of a dating relationship - from the very beginning of courting, dating, casual, and a permanent relationship. Whether this be marriage or common law, or any other legal or not legal definution, the principle still applies the same. One person with one other person and that is the limits of their relationship, no other parties involvement in an intimate exposure. A lot of experts define what are the cornerstornes of a successful monogamous relationship. We have taken a consensus, and it seems the most common and agreed upon critira will be the following - trust, communication compromise, and respect. Let’s take a closer look at each and see how the perform and interact with each other in a successful monogamous relationship.

Trust. Well, that compnonent would be important in any type of relationship between infidivusals. The question always has been, how do you create trust, how do you achieve it permanently, and what do you do not to destroy this tryst. Why is this importnat? Well, the moment you degrade your trust, until it no lngers exists is a perfect barometer of a successull or non successful monogamous relationship. With it, you have a chance to succeed long term, and without it, you will never succeesm short term or long term. Experts would agree the best way to continue to have trust in a relationship is the following - you must be relaiable in your actions, and you must be honest. Without these two factors in play you will not succeed in a monogamous relationship.

Communication. One would think, that this is a natural extension of any relationship. True, but you still have to work at it say the experts. The key here is several - empathy, understanding, and most importantly honesty. You will hear that fundamental term - honesty - throughout the article, and with good reason. If you are honest to your partner from the very beginning it affects other fibres of the monogamous relationship such as the ever important trust factor - they go hand in hand. Make sure you have honest communication as much as possible, since doing so will help you understand your partners needs and wants, while at the same time solving problems. That is the two primary fundamnetals to take away of how communcation can be very helpful for these cornerstones.

Common sense would dictate the easiest one to come up with would be the ver so important “respect”. Respect yourelf, and moreson, respect your partner. This can take on a variety of roles - respect your partners needs, wants, desiers, ambutions, and listen. However, easier said than done for most. Remember, these rules are not to be looked at in a vacumm, where everything is absolute and tidy. Life does not work that way - especially when you see most monogamous relationships end up dissolving or divorce - sliglyy more than 50 percent. So, there will always be times wheny you don’t respect your partner, or they dont respect you, or there is a flare up and both dont repsect the other. That is normal in todays every pressure world. They key here is to work throught it, realize it, and move on. As long as your willing to work on respecting the other, you have a very good chance of succeeding.

A lot of times in a monogamous relationship when problems or issues arise - wether large or small - the lack of compromise becomes a fundamental turning point in solving the problem. Many people, are unable to compromise when it really matters, they let their own ego, or past expeireinces in the relatiosbhip take precedence. Most studies have shown a majorit of couples believe that compromise is the least looked at quality to be improved. The word of adivce here for a monogamous relationship to succeed, would be take deep breath. take a step back, and see the issue from after or the others persons perspective. From here. see how much you are able to compromise for the good of your health, the health of the other person, or the overall health f the relatonsup. That will be your personal judgement call dpending on a variety of favtors, but there is always room to improve when it comes for individuals to be more open and compromsing in their position.

Three Critieria to Keep That Monogamous Relationship Humming.

Your Independence. Yes, you love spending time your mate, thats why are with them. But, you must carve out your own space and world. Your own interestings, thoughts, and beliefs. If you have them in common - great - regardless tghough, you have to have your own space and air to breathe at times away from the relatisionhip. Like they say, abscene makes the heart grow fonder.

Romance. Now, everyone has their own idea of what romance is, and what romantci level works in their relationshop. This is fine, but again, you have to make an effort every once in a whuile, to show your partner you care and love them. Suyrspise is always a good thing. Its up to you to figure how much romance and how many instances of love occur in your relatiosuip to see the rmanice meter working.

Long Term. By doing some of the things above mentioned, they will all follow and lead to one important distinction you want to achieve in any monogamous relationship - the ability to love that individual for a very long, long time. THe ability to grow together is a paramount goal for all, and by doing this, you will grow as an indivudal and so will the relationship.



Joyce DeWitt. 

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