We have all heard the term bedroom eyes. This has been evident since the very beginning of cinema, and even further in historic photographs and novels. Most would agree it is a tool - a communicative tool without any verbal communication.

The point of bedrooms eyes is to seduce the individual and giving the expression of potential romantic or sexual connection in the near future. Cultural sociologists however, will argue that bedroom eyes are much more complex. That bedrooms eyes can be viewed and expressed in various manners, its final effect on society, as well it’s cultural impact.

There’s actually a physical component to the term bedroom eyes. Physically, this is what an individual usually do - narrows their eyes. and along with some other variations of a smile Sometimes the head is tilted - taking place all at the same time like seductive symphony. Some sociological experts state that bedroom eyes actually is a copy of one’s eyes when they are in sexual intimacy. A physiological lens when looking at the term bedroom eyes - there are three in particular that define what bedroom eyes are. In a physiological review paper it states that the first element is: A pupil dilation. As biology shows that when one individual finds another person attractive their pupils begin to dilate and change in size. This is not a voluntary response, but an involuntary response. It always incurs when an individual is around. When one is aroused this dilation makes the eyes seem larger and thus more inviting to the person you would like to have a sexual encounter with.

A second component is that the muscles in your face when you make the bedroom eyes. Various muscles are used to make the somewhat slight squinting of the eyes. This causes movement around the cheeks as well. Some have argued it gives your face a much more natural baby like appearance. Thus, with making bedroom eyes some have argued it makes you that much more attractive.

Next will be the gaze itself. Bedroom eyes does not only include facial muscles and squinting, but it is the gaze that is equally important. There are usually several criteria to this including the direct contact of the other persons gaze - and of course, the lowering or tilting of the head. The combination of the two have sometimes been described as a particular pulling and giving dynamic to the person you are looking at. The pulling dynamic comes into effect when the person finally notices your gaze and their reaction to it. Do you increase it or lower the temperature in your particular bedroom eyes gaze?

Strangely enough multiple journals of research have stated that these facial expressions - whether they are strong or subtle in nature - can indeed have an impact. This can have have an impact of whether a person finds you being attractive or not attractive. For instance, the most recent journal of personality stated that they concluded that more women found men who squinted smaller versus regular open eyes better and more attractive. The suggestion here is that bedroom eyes can work. Perhaps there is a deep psychological or even in one’s DNA that triggers a person’s perception of another? Furthermore, the study suggested the better the bedroom eyes, the better the other person has a chance of being sexually attracted to them.

The idea or belief of bedroom eyes taps into what sociologists refer to as the psychology of attempting to seduce the other person simply with physical cues. A flirtation, if you will, without any verbal communication By doing this, it can have numerous effects, some positive, some negative but certainly it can build interest or mystery of the person who received the gaze. Some would even call it a creation of sexual tension if the other person is interested in your bedroom eyes.

Another suggestion is that bedroom eyes has the ability to radiate individuals gaze as a sign of confidence. The refer to this as a mixture between confidence and frailty. The frailty is the desire for the individual and waiting for the reaction from the other. Sociologists state that this combination of confidence and frailty may intrigue the other partner thinking of various romantic possibilities in the future.

The most popular. identification of bedrooms, eyes is the particular glaze and the length of the glaze. Some may find a glaze longer than a slight moment to be intrusive and awake. creepy others suggest that by having a very long gaze this only increases the message. that the person finds you very attracted. Those who have been gazed on have a mixed reaction. Sociologist state. some find a glaze beyond the one second mark to be unnerving. Others who were gazed on beyond the one second mark. have described the attention as feeling special. and flattered that they are being looked upon. looked upon and desired in a romantic or sexual way. Again, it’s a mixed critique depending on the individual giving the glaze and the individual receiving the glaze.

Some sociologists have also concluded that by giving a particular long glaze it creates a sense of confusion for the person receiving it. On one hand, they can see the attention as mysterious and further peeking their interest. While on the other hand, some who have received the gaze are not sure of what to make from it. They have an ambiguity, wondering why did they receive a gaze? What kind of gaze is it? And is this a gaze of sexual or romantic interest? So as you can see, the person receiving the gaze at times can be slightly confused or discomforted as to what exactly is happening here

Most critics and proponents can agree on one thing - giving bedroom eyes is very specific based on the individual and the context that it is given. In certain contexts, it can be quite negative viewed and frowned upon while in other contexts it can be quite the opposite and positive experience. Sociologists have concluded in various journals and studies that a man with more open eyes and being alert, he becomes more confident and more attractive to women.

What is interesting about bedrooms eyes is that this particular glaze can be viewed quite differently depending on the cultural context. Various cultures in different countries have diverse reactions or none at all. In the West, the bedroom glaze has been a codified in various forms of media for the past 100 years or so. While in eastern countries, direct eye contact is not very important and it sometimes is even frowned upon as being rude or intrusive.

This can also cross gender lines. If a woman gives bedroom eyes sometimes this can be viewed quite differently and negatively compared to when a man gives bedroom eyes. For instance, the man is considered aggressive and proper while the woman may be considered improper in certain cultures. Finally, let us not forget that bedroom eyes can also be looked at through a historical lens. With that same particular glaze, having a different meaning based on different generations over time based on different gender identities.

Conclusion, while bedroom eyes has its place in society, not much in modern dating for Western society. Most would consider it a bit cliche and perhaps even rude, particularly with the advent of dating apps which its existence is no longer needed.

Written By: Anthony Rand