Have you ever heard of the word bae? Have you ever heard a friend or colleague use the word in a sentence in a social setting? Let us look briefly at the use and acceptance of the word “bae” and what exactly dies it means.

In its simplest form, bae is a slang word from what it sounds like it is supposed to be. It is used in a positive sense in all various manners - in a personal use it is used when you are romantically attached or with either a boyfriend or girlfriend. Origin story. Well, we don’t know the exact date of its origin. One can say though roughly between 2013 and 2014 the word reached its height in popularity and use both in music. and social media. One could also find the song by Pharaoh Williams with the following title “Come get it Bae.” Looking a bit deeper into the origins of the word bae, most people believe it comes from the word babe or baby. Perhaps that it is simply a shortened version with the drop of a letter or two to make it more hip and casual. Some have argued, though, the word can actually be an acronym. That it would be standing for the following word “before anyone else”. Its use and replacement would mean the word would be used to explain something being first, or the first of its kind - the original.

In a casual setting, the word bae is most commonly used to show affection towards either an object, or usually for a loved one, such as a sexual partner Let’s use it in the following example “love burgers”. This burger is so bae!. This of course would mean that the hamburger is exceptional, fantastic and you love it! Another example would be towards a loved pet such as your family dog. You would then say ”My dog is so bae!”. It’s obvious meaning would be - my dog is so great, my dog is so wonderful, I love my dog. At the height of its popularity, the word bae was seen in many Internet sites and reach viral status in many different forms of social media popularity,

It was also part of various social media and social media popular. trends. Its use became so prevalent, it cemented its use and slang term vocabulary forever in the human language of slang terms. In fact, it became so popular. Several dictionaries nominated it for the word of the year. Is there any cultural significance behind this word or is it simply a word that has passed its expiry date? Further, can we attach any social or personal historic significance to the creation and use of the word bae? Well, for one it is a word that mimics other previous casual words love words. Where society labels certain created new words with affection and love. Where its use has become attached to broader cultural issues involving a more personal and affectionate. connection with each other.

Can we think of any words that are similar to the word bae and can be used in its place? There are many love or similar to love words one can use. Here is a small following list - baby, sugar, sweetie, honey, and the ever popular darling. If one wants to use a broader term than the word bae would become more significant in its view as a partner, your companion, your true love, or your other significant partner. What is common in all of these alternative terms is the primary underlying theme of affection, and primarily towards a loved one. A person that the individual is having an intimate relationship with.

What is interesting about the word bae, and its cultural use and significance - Is that once a word becomes popular in teenage slang, corporate companies attempt to hijack it for their own personal use. Companies that sell products to this particular demographic attempt to adopt the word to win over their target teenage audience. You will then find the use of the word bae in various advertisements, memes. and social media. The companies are too numerous to mention, but we will give some examples here. Sonic drive in. Mountain Dew, Chili’s, Burger King, Pizza hut and Taco Bell just to name a few. Even fashion related items started to use the buzzword and its advertisement. For example, the ever popular Cover Girl brand.

The question here then becomes, by using a popular slang term does it make your company hip and cool or does it make it antiquated in trying to use the word to begin with? Let us not forget cultural words fall out of favor quite quickly. As you could imagine, even though reviews were mixed the overall ploy can be seen as a negative one. Even the most minutiae of details that were missed by corporate were criticized in either articles or various social tweets. Criticisms for example

were the following: Mountain Dew uses the word bae in its national advertising. However, it was severely criticized for simply using the word “the”before the word. This ridiculousness of parsing words for criticism reminds me of when Bill Clinton was on trial and he attempted to define the word “The”. What is “the” and how the word “the” can be different depending on the context? This was the exact criticism levelled at the use of bae. Again, the silliness of it all only increased. For example, the largest criticism was reserved for AT&T. They were criticized for using the word incorrectly and without proper context. The ad itself was supposed to be humorous in nature. A client or customer was often referred to as the word bae. Critics complained as did overly sensitive consumers that it was not proper, and that the company had overstepped its boundaries, and that its use was in bad taste.

Now if we attach the word bae to the word transsexual, as in transsexualbae. Its meaning would be, I love transsexuals. However, if you do a search for this most critics would argue that it too, like the ad above, is in bad taste, not proper. Looking at the surface of the word transexualbae, one would say that its use here is simply implying that a person loves transsexuals. In fact, it can be seen as a very supportive term. An individual who supports the LGBTQ community.

However, critics argue that this is simply fetishization or sexualization of an idea or image without the proper context. That transsexuals are more than simply objects of affection. That individuals worthy of relationships are not to be fetishized. The use of the word bae combined with the word transsexual has for some divided support in various communities. Some say it’s a term of endearment, affection and support for such individuals under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. While others find it offensive, crass and even to the extent dehumanizing. 

In the end, it will be up to the individual to decide what context to use the term , or ever use it. Some believe never to use it if it upsets those around them and who are offended by it regardless of one’s affection or attention. The reader will have to decide if the word be has outlived its usefulness particularly when used together as transsexualbae. 

Written By: Joyce DeWitt.