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Being Ambrosexual In The Dating World

Being Ambrosexual In The Dating World

There seems to be a growing trend in the dating world called Ambrosexuality. What is it? And let’s take a closer look at this new sexual term in the umbrella of the gender world.

The key definition or characteristics of amber sexuality is a sexual orientation in regards to both romantic and sexual encounters is strictly based on one’s fluidity. Fluidity seems to be a cornerstone of many diverging and new sexual gender classifications and the distinctions can be quite subtle and minor at times. The question then becomes is it a valid classification or is it simply a splinter of the same group? IE being gender fluid?

Supposedly, ambrosexuality is growing as a common sexual orientation for new upcoming youth. The idea here is, yes, you can be attracted to different genders at different times, as well as also having a lack of attraction to these same genders. The position of who and what you’re attracted to shifts over numerous time lapses. They say those who are into ambrosexuality have unique challenges and issues to overcome both in the dating world and in serious relationships.

Let’s lock down exactly what is ambrosexuality Critics would argue that it falls under the same umbrella of sexual identity alongside gender identity like bisexuality, and pansexuality. Since all the groups are attracted to different sexes at one time or another how were those who’ve cast themselves into the ambrosexuality camp? They say their attraction is fluid, and that at any time they can be attracted to women, men, non binary individuals, transexuals and anyone else under the gender umbrella. As well, having no attraction to any sexual gender for any amount or period of time. This time of non attraction could be very short or very long. It is up to the ambrosexual to decide when and where they are attracted or not attracted.

Let’s look at some of the defining features at what ambrosexuality is and what makes one ambrosexual in today’s modern dating world.

Their number one defining characteristic in Ambersexual will say that the key aspect of their identity is their fluidity. Fluidity that can change over time or remain nonsexual over the same time as well. 

The second feature of Ambrosexual those who identify as such, will say the idea of not knowing who or when they will be sexually attracted to someone. Again, the second feature ties into the first feature of the all encompassing fluidity with no time lines.

The third identifying feature of ambrosexuality is again tied to the first characteristic of fluidity that someone’s fluidity is different from someone else’s fluidity. One individual can be on the spectrum of the entire fluidity while someone else will be on the minor end of the spectrum of fluidity.

The final characteristic of ambrosesexuality and those that adhere to it, discuss. their own self worth and validity and how they approach the spectrum of fluidity. The one’s own identity and confidence is rooted in the fluidity of their sexual attraction.

The one strong distinction of those who practice ambrosexuality is that they want to dismiss the notion and myth that somehow they are undecided or confused as to who they’re attracted to or when they’re attracted to, or having no attraction at all. They say by the ability to have no answer at a present moment, or perhaps an answer is the defining characteristic of Ambrosexuality. By this complex nature, or supposed complex nature, it shows sexuality and gender can at times be a very complicated thing, or at times a very simple thing, simply based on one’s attraction at one point in life.

Let’s examine in brief those who are ambrosexual and what problems and issues can arise in the modern dating world when stating to the world and of their parties that you are in fact ambrosexual. Proponents would argue that some of these challenges and issues are not simply to the Ambrosexual world and can be for many different types of relationships. Ambrosexuals will state such issues can be specific to their gender identity.

One of the first issues ambrosexuals will state is that many other people when they’re first told of ambrosexuality actually do not understand what it is. That by dating a person who is not ambrosexual for the first time, one has to continually educate and inform that individual what it means to be ambrosexual.

Another strong issue in the ambrosexual dating world is that your partner looks at your ambrosexuality as some kind of indecisiveness. That by being ambrosexua, you’re simply telling the other partner that you cannot commit to them in the long term future. That you are using ambrosexuality as an excuse - to say you can be fluid one day or the other, and therefore a relationship cannot exist in the near or permanent future.

Based on fluidity, again, partners may get scared that one day you can tell them you’re no longer attracted to them. This can also cause great confusion in a relationship if you one day tell the partner you are attracted to another gender or another sex or non binary individual or attracted to several people all based on your concept of what is fluidity. It can be at times very complex and confusing. Not for one individual, but for all individuals involved in a relationship under the umbrella of Ambrosexual dating.

Finally, the issues that plague a possible potential relationship in a second party also plagues these same issues with the ambersexual individual. He/She may question their identity at times and wonder about their fluidity. Where is the permanency involved? Or the idea that society tells one that one must pick a gender or an identity that they’re attracted to a not switch back and forth, because doing so will no have no long lasting success in a relationship.

However, there are many happy and satisfied ambrosexual who say there are many positives to being Ambersexual and that any one can navigate the relationship and dating world being abrosexual. That being ambrosexual is a very unique experience under the gender umbrella and by being so unique, it opens up many potential avenues of happiness in the relationship world. That by allowing oneself to date and fall in love with whomever you want, however they identify and whatever time that is available. In the end you, being ambrosexual, allows you to decide how your happiness will bem, both sexually and in a loving relationship.

The final point taken away by ambrosexual proponents is that you must be clear in your communication to yourself and to your partner as to your fluidity and as to your position in your identity. By being open, honest and transparent with your fluidity, it therefore prepares you with a healthy and loving future. 

Written by: Joyce Sisterling, 

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