Catch and release. When someone first mentions that phrase to you, what comes to mind? The easiest explanation is the explanation rooted in nature or hunting. Capturing an animal and then being empathetic and releasing them back into the wild in their natural habitat.

This term has reached a new introduction and use in the modern dating world. Let us take a brief look to understand its use and meaning in modernity. Also, the impact - both culturally and personally to an individual who has been used as a catch and release individual.

The term catch and release comes originally from fishing. If someone catches a fish and lets it back into the. water. How is this term used in the modern dating world? Quite simply a similar sentiment exists - catching a romantic. and having a sexual encounter with an individual only to immediately end it - and let them free back into the dating environment. The reason for this is because once caught the original attraction, excitement, or sexual encounter has been achieved - therefore they must be let go. This essay will briefly examine the phenomena of the catch and release term in modern dating. What, if any, effects does it have on both the dating world and the individual.

In modern slang “catch and release” has become quite popular with the individual chasing the other for sex or romance. The chaser is called the “angler” while the other party is called the “fish”. The slight of hand here is that the angler tells or implies to the fish that there will be a form of connection here - primarily a meaningful or substantial one. However, what occurs is completely different. After a date or few, they become intimate physically and perhaps even establish briefly a connection that is emotional. The angler immediately releases his catch. and moves on to other fishing ventures. The person is simply put back into the proverbial dating pool.

What are the key components of a catch and release episode. The anglers ‘ high or thrill comes from a very short term outlook. They are either interested in the chase or the sexual gratification. A physicality with their new conquest. There is no long term goal or connection here in mind at all with the individual. The short term of catching their prey, i.e. physical intimacy then the person is merely thrown back into the dating pool. There is an immediate stop to their dating. The person is cut off completely and the angler is no longer interested or shows any interest whatsoever to the individual. Full stop.

Someone who is part of the catch or release program usually shows a pattern of continually doing this when success is initially achieved. It does not matter to the angler what type of individual he catches - other than a particular preference - regardless of sexual identity and gender. The only goal is physical intimacy, and then it immediately ends. Pattern of deception. In most circumstances. the angler will not be honest nor clear about their intentions Obviously, if they were, it would reduce their chances of success. By omitting certain information. or misinforming the other individual there’s a greater chance of success for the hunter. The downside is the other person believes there’s a chance here for more than simply physical intimacy. Rather perhaps a serious emotional connection, and a long term relationship possibility.

The question then becomes, what is this individual catch and release mind set? Is there any reasoning for this other than sexual gratification? Proponents would argue that there is more to catch or release individuals than physical intimacy. That the act says a lot more about the individual than the act itself. For example, some participants say they do this because they have a tremendous fear of commitment to an individual. Why the fear? Some say the fear of having any form of responsibility or even having any form of an emotional connection, whether it be new or deep. That they run and shy from such connections because of their available vulnerability.

Technology in the modern dating world has also increased. The use of the catch release system in the dating world has increased tremendously. With the availability of so many dating apps and a dating pool so large, the anglers always feel it is easy to find more partners on a day to day basis. Therefore, they never have a fear of not finding new conquests. Got you. Catch and release individuals can also be ego driven or egocentric. The old notch on the belt becomes more evident even here with the advent of dating apps. The ability to post your prizes and count your wins, and make it social media available can only increase one’s ego and offer validation for their successes.

Some have suggested those participating in catch and release have an issue of intimacy or more so the avoidance of any forms of intimacy. That this can be seen as an emotional defence mechanism some would argue. That by simply having intimacy without an emotional connection, it avoids them having responsibility of ever having any emotional intimacy. Also, critics argue that catch and release is over exaggerated or not important any longer. That catch and release is actually the norm as society and culture has shifted to a more forgiving and accepting of casual relationships. That the culture of hook ups is simply the norm today as is physical dating. Whether it be one date or more, there is nothing no longer unusual, thus no need for the term catch and release further.

Finally, some will say those participating in catch and release hide many personal issues and insecurities that are unresolved. This can be a wide range of issues depending on the individual - emotional problems, cultural issues, sexual identity issues, or any form of trauma issues in their past. For those who are the fish in the catch and release program this can also cause a flurry of varied emotions. Anxiety, confusion, hurt, as well as emotional distress. Trust for an individual can also be an issue that is expanded by being hurt continually over several catch and releases. The idea and issue of trust becomes that much harder for the individual seeking new relationships that are permanent in nature.

There are also other and more negative impacts for those who are caught in the net of catch and release. Some will say their self esteem has been impacted severely. This can be internalized within the individual and began to question not only their self identity, but self worth. The idea of their level of attractiveness can also take an emotional hit. Why was I released so quickly - he must not like something about me? 

In the end, common sense will dictate how to avoid catch and release in the modern dating world. One eventually may be part of a catch or release, but in today’s society that may be the norm. Simply be as careful as possible in your dating choices and in the end, hopefully one will find what they’re looking for - happiness and a successful relationship.

Written By: Joyce DeWitt