Male bisexual dating. For most, male bisexual dating is quite obvious on its face value in regards to its definition and meaning. Most though are unaware that being a bisexual male in the modern dating world presents original challenges as well as complexities.

The ability of being a bisexual male allows one an enormous opportunity to date various types of individuals, genders, and gender identities. However, the flip side of this coin is that by being a bisexual male and dating - this can lead to various forms of prejudice, discrimination and misinformation. All of this comes not strictly from the heterosexual community but also can be found in the LGBTQ plus community. This brief essay will examine male bisexual dating in the modern world and the many different challenges that come with it. As well, the positive aspects of being a bisexual dating male individual.

Most bisexual males will say the greatest issue is that plagues them is what we refer to as biphobia. Biphobia comes in many forms of misinformation and prejudice - both minor and substantial in nature. They will argue that there are various myths when you tell someone that you are a bisexual male. The most prevalent is that bisexual men are in fact really gay and they are simply denying their true selves. Another common myth is that bisexual men cannot commit to a true monogamous relationship. That the bisexual man eventually will leave their partner for someone of the opposite gender. Finally, it is not possible to be bisexual or bisexual male, because bisexuality does not exist. It is simply confusion on the bisexual male or a fear of becoming his true self, whether it be gay or straight, but neither in the middle shall meet.

All these myths and misconceptions discussed above can lead to outright rejection by their partner as well. Such myths can also stop any form of a relationship even beginning. This is especially true, they argue among women who define themselves as heterosexual. Most studies show that straight women would never date a bisexual man. The reason being twofold - the bisexual man will cheat on them eventually with another man. Furthermore, in the end, the bisexual man is truly gay and he is simply dabbling in the straight world for a short period of time. This risk of dating a bisexual man for women is one they will not take, because they fear a monogamous relationship. over a long term. cannot be successful with a bisexual man.

Another difficult issue for bisexual men in the modern dating world is coming out to your partner. Being bisexual is not something that is outwardly visible. nor is it easily discovered in a heterosexual relationship bisexual men. Bisexual men face stress and anxiety coming out again and again to their female new partners. But this anxiety can also manifest itself when meeting either her friends, family, or co-workers. Simply the notion of explaining your bisexuality repeatedly to various individuals who are strangers can be quite taxing on the human psyche. Therefore, many bisexual men simply hide their sexuality with their female partner. Not willing to go through the routine of explaining one’s sexuality to various members of her inner circle.

Bisexual men state that even when their straight partner accepts them fully in their bisexuality, there is still some measure that their female partner is still not able to fully understand their experiences both in the straight community and the LGBTQ community being bisexual. They argue that by not being in their shoes it is difficult to find the correct and right empathy in a female partner. Bisexual men also name as one of their primary complaints are the issues of invalidation and what they refer to as erasure. When they speak of erasure they’re referencing an erasure of their bisexual identity. For example, they will state that when they are with a woman they may be viewed as straight by society. When they are with a man they will be viewed as homosexual by society. In both instances, this viewpoint of societies, whether from the straight community, or the LGBT plus community. identify them incorrectly. This is bisexual men refer to as an erasure of their identity on a daily basis This erasure of their bisexuality can cause serious damage to their emotional state and self confidence. Not only is this an invalidation frustrating to the bisexual male but it could also be quite isolating in nature. By feeling left out by various sexual identity groups it makes one feel inadequate. loss of confidence and self-esteem over a period of time causing severe emotional damage.

Many bisexual men have stated to avoid the various issues and problems above, the easiest solution to this is to date individuals who identify as bisexual themselves. By dating a bisexual individual one will immediately have a unique understanding. perspective as to who you are as a bisexual male. This experience between the two offers an immediate connection. The bisexual male says this is missing from other forms of relationships, and gender identity individuals who are not bisexual. That is why they say there’s an immediate deep understanding of a shared living experience that can create bonds. Bonds both physically and mentally that some say cannot be created with individuals who are not bisexual.

Bisexual men state that there are many positives from dating other bisexual individuals and are numerous. For example, one needs no longer to explain their bisexuality or bisexual experience in the world to that partner or individual. Both individuals can understand the fluidity of their bisexuality. No need to defend it nor explain it with this proper shared understanding. It reduces tremendously any form of biphobic inaccuracies, and prejudices. It also allows the partners to truly understand their gender identity and their orientation both in the short and long term future of their relationship.

Also they speak of the bonuses of a bisexual male dating another bisexual individual, whether male or female or non binary. As many have said, they experience not only a more comfort level but also a more comfortable space. A space where they can explore their sexuality, gender, and fluid attraction. They say by dating a bisexual person this allows some exploration that they could not have in the straight world.

To conclude, being a bisexual male in the dating world offers challenges and nuanced situations. It is up to each individual to decide who and how they date to find happiness. and whatever gender identity they choose. Happiness can be found in whatever the bisexual male finds makes him satisfied and feeling true to his sexual identity and true self. 

Written By: Anthony Rand