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Dating In A Gynesexual World

Dating In A Gynesexual World

Today’s topic will be gynesexual dating in the modern world. As everyone’s familiar in today’s ever changing sexual landscape, gynesexual seems to be a new and evolving gender identity under the ever growing gender identity umbrella.

In its simplest incarnation, gynesexual means an individual who is attracted to femininity regardless of one sexual identity, sexual agenda or sexual appearance. The idea here is again, that the distinction of simple binary concepts in the dating world does not exist. To be gynesexual means you no longer accept nor appreciate the antiquated binary concept. Instead, you’ve embraced a sexuality that encourages an attraction and love for anything and all things that are feminine in nature. These feminine traits that one finds attractive. can be defined by the individual himself as to what they find feminine and what he or she finds attractive.

This brief essay will touch upon the dating experience of the gynesexual and what issues face them in future relationships in this new and exciting, ever growing gender modern world.

The first key in any successful relationship, even a gynesexual one is to understand what is Gynesexual. This can mean one of several things - the individuals attracted to women since they are the primary benefit of femininity. Or they could be attracted to any type of gender who is feminine or they feel is feminine. This means the attraction can be across a wide range of individuals - transgendered people, non binary individuals. and queer feminine individuals. For gynesexual femininity is not defined by society, it’s not defined by a particular social group or construct rather femininity is defined by what another individual finds feminine towards that individual. It is an individual choice of what femininity is and what feminine attraction will be to that individual.

There lies the key difference between gynesexual sexual versus heterosexual or homosexual. That in this form of orientation, the gender of the individual is irrelevant. What is only relevant? Is what they find attractive namely, femininity, by finding femininity in all forms of genders and identities. Gynesexual then becomes a fluid state. This means during the course of time, one’s attraction to extreme femininity or minimal femininity can change. Let us offer one further distinction. Some have said the giant of sexuality is similar to lesbianism, where two women can be attracted to each other because of their femininity. The striking key difference here for gynesexual is that this femininity becomes much more broad in scope, in gender and identity. It is not limited to the female experience strictly or only.

Let us now look briefly in this essay, some of the issues, or experiences that occur for a gynesexual sex individual in the modern dating world. 

The first issue that exposes itself in a gynesexual dating world is the lack of understanding of what this term really means. For some individuals, it’s ignorance could become a scary issue if someone mentions to them that their gynesexual. Great misunderstandings occur here, impeding any potential relationship right from the very start.

Gynesexuals tend to lament that being gynesexual is hard to find individuals who accept them as they are. It is quite challenging to find individuals whom they find attractive and will accept them as they are in combination. That the dating landscape is quite limited, is quite limited for those who want to understand and accept them as they are.

Gynesexual’ further state that they face many variations of discrimination not only from their own community, LGBTQ plus, but also well from the heterosexual community. This can take many forms of discrimination. The most primary being what they say is transphobia as well as the new increasing biphobia.

These discriminations can take place consciously or unconsciously, either in a major or minor way. One example would be dating apps. Gynesexual say one joining dating apps whether it is in the heterosexual community or the LGBT Q plus community. The criteria or availability of the option of gynesexual does not exist in dating apps.

Despite the many issues in society of being gynesexual, there is tremendous success and happiness being gynesexual proponents would argue.

To be happy, the first thing they would suggest is that one must embrace their gynesexual. Accept it, be aware of it, and be proud of it. Doing so will cement a foundation, hopefully for a long lasting and happy relationships in the future. 

The second and very important key to successful genome sexual relationships. would be the criteria of making sure to be open and having open communication with all partners. Discuss it with your partner of what gynesexual means to you, means to them. and what it will mean to your relationship.

To make things easier in a gynesexual dating in the modern world, most would agree try to look for friendly spaces that accept you right from the very beginning and understand your sexual identity and sexual gender. The most friendliest of these communities will definitely be LGBTQ plus.

This will also extend to dating apps that are LGBTQ plus friendly. and while they may not have your particular gender or identity, they will have gender identity similar to or embracing to of your particular identity. Using such an app will allow you to meet people who are like minded and therefore offering acceptance and love for a potential relationship.

A small piece of advice given to gynesexuals is that rather than focusing on a particular construct or label of what gynesexual is, try to build real friendships and attractions with individuals who may not entirely sit in your construct. By meeting individuals and interacting with individuals with similar values, will be a great and healthy start to try to find the right and happy relationship for you.

Before building upon any relationship, make sure to be clear with your partner about particular boundaries. This is very important in the beginning of any type of relationship to avoid errors, issues and misunderstandings of what you find acceptable and what you consider to be red lines in your form of relationship.

Also, don’t be so arrogant or all knowing that you only yourself knows what a gynesexual individual is. While you do have your own personal feelings, always keep an open mind to to try to educate yourself about LGBTQ issues and the ever changing landscape around gender identity and sexuality. This will also keep you informed and you will be able to keep your partner and future partners informed.

In all relationships, it is of course a 2 way street. While you want the other person to support your type of gender and gender identity, you must make sure to do the same for them. This is of particular importance of to what we would call non binary or gender nonconforming partners who have femininity which attracts you to them. Make sure you reach out to them and try to understand them as best as possible. They too may try to challenge your notion of what gender and gender identity is, and it is always a growing and complex form that may take place. 

Written By: Angle Lansburd

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