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Homosexual Dating In The Modern World

Homosexual Dating In The Modern World

This brief essay will discuss and explore homosexual dating in the modern world. The various issues. challenges and modern trends that are unique to those classified themselves as homosexuals. 

Many would argue, and they would be right. that the landscape for homosexuals has dramatically changed in many parts of the world. With the activism of LGBTQ groups there is more than ever dating and acceptance of individuals who identify themselves as homosexuals.

That is not to say. that there still does not exist a lot more to do to increase the acceptance among society. Let’s take a closer look at the issues, problems, and challenges that the homosexual community face in the modern world of dating in a heteronormative society. Looking strictly at the North American social mark, one can see that added. Attitudes towards LGBT community and same. sex relationships and marriages have drastically increased in a positive direction. For example, if one looks at 20 years ago, same sex marriage support was approximately 25% in the year 1995. What are the last major polls in 2000 and 20 that had risen to over 70% for not only acceptance but a belief in the same sex marriage opportunities. the idea of same sex marriage and equality has not only been confined to the North American Society. and Juan looks closely as statistics where same sex marriage is allowed and legal.

You can see this number also jumped dramatically in the past 20 years counting over 35 plus countries in the world. Even in countries where it may not be legal there are still instances where there is some sort of recognition of allowing same sex couples to get married. This step is taken even further that the law now has protections for both lesbians and gay individuals giving them security that was not available before, but allowing others following later from them to be able to have dating and long term relationships without being legally scrutinized. Let us not congratulate ourselves just yet. There is much work to be done in the world for still further legal protections and acceptance of homosexual individuals, relationships and marriage. There’s a very complex situation in the world in regards to legal protections for homosexuals, and we hope and expect further great improvements in this area.

Now let us look at the many means of homosexual dating in the modern world. The number one tool and the most popular tool is gay dating apps. Gay dating apps have had a huge impact on all forms of relationships under the gender umbrella, but none more so than under a gay dating it would be argued. The amount of gay apps for both gay men and lesbian women is astounding. One can find all types of various relationships, be it casual, serious, semi permit, or long lasting love. There are too many to mention, but some of the more popular ones would be apps such as her and grinder. Where gay and lesbian, and variations of such under the gender umbrella can find each other very easily. Regardless if one lives in a large city or a rural community. Opportunities abound to meet your partner in almost any gay app of today.

This is particularly important for those individuals who live in smaller or more conservative communities. By being able to connect to the larger gay world and seeing and makes one feel more inclusive. One should never forget that being in a community that is not entirely accepted of homosexual relationships one can find themselves in a negative mindset. Even at times being concerned about their safety if coming out to the larger community. By having dating apps available for the homosexual community it certainly makes one feel safer, and more accepted by not only their community, but the world at large.

However, there are those within the gay community who say the amount of proliferation of apps has introduced new challenges in the dating world. The primary negative argument in these apps is that it increases the rise and hookups of the casual nature as opposed to more serious or meaningful relationships. With the rise of these apps the promotion of physical attraction is the first and only criteria.  Another argument by the proliferation of so many potential partners is the ability to swipe somewhere left to right much too easily. This discounts the use of finding someone based on measures other than physical appearance. As well, being on a dating app always risks outing an individual who did not want to be outed in their other conservative or small town rules. Potential issues when dating in the homosexual spectrum - some argue that coming out is carried over various stages. Also, one portrays oneself differently in certain public spaces. All of this continual navigation about one’s own sexual identity causes stress to the individual and stress to the potential partners.

The idea of classic hetero normative models of what a relationship will be can actually be a positive situation within the gay community. By not having specific defined gender roles each individual can enjoy greater flexibility. The ability to identify and define how one wants to be presented and act in a relationship This idea of forging one’s role in a homosexual relationship offers much greater freedom, flexibility in the pursuit of happiness. In a relationship, there are always two sides of the coin. There can be a negative as well without any particular archetype or not following an archetype of a heterosexual relationship. These variations and openings also allow errors as one attempts to define themselves and push the boundaries of what is acceptable and not acceptable between the two couples. One can gain power in the end, by going through this process. Homosexual couples have identified and praised the ability to set their own normative relationship. Many have praised that this diversity of thought in a homosexual relation only strengthens their bonds, creating a much deeper and understanding relationship.

Finally, one also must understand that homosexual relationships are not monolithic. They’re all different variations in types based on age, gender, ethnicity, lifestyle choices and gender identity. Even within the gay community certain individuals state they still face discrimination. Now it is only from the outside street world, but within their own community, such as individuals of colour or individuals who identify themselves as bisexual. In the end, homosexual relationship deals with its own particular individual issues as opposed to a heterosexual relationship, but all must eradicate any form of discrimination. or lack of acceptance, both in the greater social context and within the homosexual community itself.

Written By: George Thourougs. 

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