Skoliosexual dating in the modern world. What exactly is a skoliosexual? It is most definitely not a very common word. Rarely does one read about it online, in social media or any form of media. This brief essay will look at what it means to be skoliosexual, and how to find success in the modern dating world.

Skoliosexual individuals are attracted to three types - they will be transgendered, non binary and what is referred to as gender queer. By primarily being attracted to these three identities only, dating for a scoliosis can become quite complex. Full of various issues of gender, and gender identity when looking for a potential partner.

Originally, the word skoliosexual was taken from the Greek ancient word scoliosis. The Greek word is generally understood to mean something bent or curved. The term skoliosexual actually came into being in the early 2000’s. Those who coined it, use it specifically for individuals who are attracted to transgendered people or non-binary people. Some critics have pointed out that its definition actually has a negative connotation by using the word crooked. That it is quite offensive to use the word crooked in describing one’s gender identity. We will leave this argument for another day.

Let’s briefly look at some of the characteristics of skoliosexuality. Some of the defining features of this gender identifiable group are the following. They are only attracted to people that identify themselves outside the normal gender binary. Skoliosexuals are not attracted to biological men or women other than the rare instance. They love the idea of non traditional gender. They especially appreciate the various diverse forms of gender and gender identity. The more the better, and believe in the dozens if not hundreds of various gender identities within the LGBTQ+ umbrella.

As you can see from the above definition, skoliosexual people believe even in an attraction on a spectrum. There is a huge amount of diversity attraction depending on where you find yourself in the spectrum. For example, there are some skoliosexuals who are only attracted to non binary people. Then on the other end you will find skoliosexuals who essentially are only attracted to trans people, while others are attracted to both groups. Even in the rare case you may find a skoliosexual attracted to a biological man or woman but still find themselves drawn or attracted to much more to those who are not a biological man or woman.

Skoliosexual people have quite unique issues and challenges when it comes to dating in the modern dating world. This brief essay will now look at some of the issues and how to resolve them to find success and happiness for those that identify as skoliosexual. The first and most obvious issue is the availability of finding partners in a very limited dating pool. When you look at the overall numbers of a population base, identifying as transgendered and non binary, it is quite small. The odds are quite limited for even where to begin with to find a partner accepting of your gender identity.

The second most common issue skoliosexuals state is the lack of understanding of what a skoliosexual person truly is. Many complain that the general populace is uninterested and uninformed of their gender identity. This leads to many feeling completely dismissed of their gender identity. As well as at times finding being harassed or even assaulted because of their gender identity. Let us be clear, skoliosexuals are attracted to one’s identifying gender as opposed to one’s appearance. By being attracted primarily to ones general identity can of course increase further layers of complexity and issues in the dating world. This is especially true when the first beginnings of dating a potential partner.

Another problem area is the fetishization of skoliosexuals. This is when the straight community and non-straight community have a particular fetish for the body of a trans individual rather than a genuine love interest for the and skoliosexual individual. The result being an issue of misgendering and being misunderstood. This can have no positive outcome for either individual or potential partner.

This leads into our next issue, which is safety for the skoliosexual. Telling someone you are skoliosexual, or coming out as skoliosexual can be difficult. As well, when to release that information can be a very highly sensitive and anxiety ridden decision This is especially true in societies or communities where certain or more diverse LGBTQ+ plus identities are looked down upon, not accepted, harassed, or even potential violence. 

As well, being skoliosexual, one finds themselves as a marginalized gender identity under a very small percentage of the LGTBQ+ umbrella. Skoliosexual can face additional challenges of marginalization. Take it as a vector diagram. Some describe it as intersectionality - where you cross over to other discriminatory identities. Together, being pushed aside and marginalized along with race, disabilities, and other forms of marginalization.

Due to the very minor percentage who identify as skoliosexual, one is very aware of the lack of representation in the media. Relationships are non existent of skoliosexual individuals or groups. There are no identifiable role models for a skoliosexual, making the identity as being one even more difficult. Regardless of the many issues discussed above in brief, skoliosexuals still find relationships and successful ones - whether sexual, emotional, or long-lasting relationships in love. Here are some brief strategies to further add success to a skoliosexual person’s search for happiness.

The first suggestion for a skoliosexual person seeking a connection or relationship is to look for spaces that are LGBTQ+ plus friendly. Any form or type of community or group - whether in real life or on dating apps which specifically include trans identifying individuals. and non binary individuals. Since you have a greater concentration of an inclusive space for skoliosexuals it can only help your search for finding a relationship.

An important component of success in the dating world for any gender. but in particular for a skoliosexual individual is to be open, and honest, about how you self identify. Whether in social groups, or potential online meetings - always identify yourself clearly and by being upfront. This potentially will clear up any potential misunderstanding or misgendering down the road in your dating life.

Education is a critical factor as well. Not only for your potential partner, but as well as for the skoliosexual individual. Keep up with the newest information and news about your identity. This will allow you to have a more solid base and belief in your identity. Also, it will allow you to be an advocate for LGBTQ+ issues in the future.

Always remember when dating an individual, regardless of your skoliosexual identity that people and potential partners are not simply a particular box or label. While being skoliosexual tells someone what type of person you are attracted to, always be respectful of another person’s identity - even when it may not conform to your particular sexual attraction.

To find a partner in the modern dating world being skoliosexual definitely offers unique challenges. However, it also provides unique opportunities for diverse connections for the individual who is attracted to diversity of gender and non-biological women and men. As awareness and acceptance of diverse gender identities grows in society, so too does the potential for skoliosexual individuals to find love, connections, and fulfillment in their relationships in the modern dating world. 

Written By: Anthony Rand