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Her Dating App Review

Her Dating App Review

Have you heard about the popular dating app HER? Its a dating designed by lesbians for the queer and LGBTQ+ community. Come take a look at what we found! 

Eharmony Dating App Review

Eharmony Dating App Review

Eharmony has been around a long time in the dating app world. It has built up a solid reputation, and with good reason. The brand name is strong, and synonymous with dating in the digital space.

Coffee Meets Bagel Dating App Review

Coffee Meets Bagel Dating App Review

Have you heard about the the app called Coffee Meets Bagel? Neither have we but it has gained popularity. Let’s take a closer look at this dating app to see if it has something different to offer.

Where Americans Met Their Husbands And Wives

Where Americans Met Their Husbands And Wives

With more than 2 million weddings a year in the USA, it’s only natural to wonder where all those husbands and wives met.

Cheating Statistics USA 2024: Affair Rates, Men / Women

Cheating Statistics USA 2024: Affair Rates, Men / Women

Cheating Infidelity Statistics USA 2024

While infidelity may be a sensitive subject, it’s one that many of us face. In the US, studies revealed that in 2021, around 21% of respondents admitted to cheating on their partner, and this is nothing new.

Deal Breakers In A Relationship

Deal Breakers In A Relationship

What’s a deal breaker for anyone on a dating site? Someone who is a fraud, or a liar, or cat fishing, or fake photos. Its all in the same pot. When someone begins a conversation with you, and you are excited, and somewhere down the road right before you are about to meet - out comes the bad news.

Plenty Of Fish Dating App Review

Plenty Of Fish Dating App Review

Who hasn’t heard of that iconic name in the dating app space? It has been around since the stone age, aka feeling like the beginnings of the internet going way back to 2003. Does it still have what it takes? Dating App Review Dating App Review is easily one of the most identifiable and recognizable names in the industry. With good reason as well. It started off way back in 1995 - the grandfather of dating apps today.

Hinge Dating App Review

Hinge Dating App Review

Hinge may seem relatively new, but the dating has been for quite awhile now - since 2012. It seems quite popular, some say its different than its competitors, while others says its the same as the others, no difference, other than some cosmetics.

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