Everyone is seeking that perfect someone. Wether its for marriage. a long term realtionship, or a common law relationship - we all want the perfect long term mate. Come take a look at our definite guide and checklist!

Tinder Statistics USA: 2024 App Revenue, Users, & Attitudes
Tinder launched on 12 September 2012, and in just over a decade, it’s become the world’s most popular dating app. By June 2024, it had 6.1 million monthly downloads, and the company had generated a monthly in-app purchase revenue of more than $82 million.

Thirsty we all know what it means in the relative context. Do you know what it means in the digital dating world? We can confidently say that many of us, especially males at a very young age, had encountered being thirsty at one time or another, much to our great detriment. Many sociologists have determined “thirsty” as the largest negative baggage modern term today in the modern dating world.

Hypergamy. It’s not a word one comes across often either in print or social media. If you’re to do a cross section of individuals among very different demographics, cultures and gender identity most would probably have never heard of the work to begin with. What they do not realize is that this word has been around a very, very long time in different guises.

Haunting in the modern digital romance age. Do you know what haunting is? Chances are, if you are between the ages of 18 and 30 you certainly know it. Those over the age of 30 it may seem an unfamiliar term, and with a good reason. Everyone knows what ghosting is. That’s when you’re dating someone and all of a sudden they stop communicating with you, completely a dead stop.

Hatfishing. When you first hear it, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Most would suggest something similar to catfishing, and you would not be wrong. Hatfishing falls under another category of cheating, lying. or attempting to mislead a potential partner or a date in the modern dating world. Catfishing is easy to spot as simply when a man in various dating apps and profiles show pictures of himself with a hat. This is true for most if not all of his photos.