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Body Language On A Date

Body Language On A Date

The first question is does anyone even believe in body language? Myself, I put little stock in it, while others swear to is usefulness. Lets take a deeper dive shall we? 

Sugar Baby Gift Giving Guide

Sugar Baby Gift Giving Guide

A touchy subject for some, and with good reason. Giving a gift without knowing someone can be a little strange for some, here like me since I sent you some perfume, while others its a norm and nothing out the ordinary.

Dating Conversations Guide

Dating Conversations Guide

When one talks about dating conversation, the question becomes, is dating conversation when you first meet and then chat over a series of days and weeks. Or is it only applicable when you meet for the first time? 

Sugar Baby Fashion Guide

Sugar Baby Fashion Guide

I always made the argument that women have more choice than men when it comes to being dressed up and choosing ones clothes. I still stick to that observation regardless of the nay sayers. 

Sugar Daddy Fashion Guide

Sugar Daddy Fashion Guide

Lets get this out of the way first. Most men don’t know how to dress. Add to that, most women don’t either. So, since you have two groups who are largely unaware that they are not stylish, the odds are your date will be happy with the way you dress.

Matchmaking Guide

Matchmaking Guide

There comes a time in many peoples lives who have given up on dating apps. The reasons of giving up on dating apps are many.

A Guide To Dating Apps

A Guide To Dating Apps

We are inundated with them. So many to choose from. Which one is for me? Which one is not for me? They all seem the same. They all seem confusing. It is an endless landmine in the dating app world. 

A Blind Date Guide

A Blind Date Guide

We all know what a blind date is, or do we? Does it exist in this day and age? Is antiquated or still relative? Let us take a closer look shall we. 

A Guide To Speed Dating

A Guide To Speed Dating

Right off the bat, have to tell you not a fan of speed dating. I have always had these visions of what speed dating entails in various sitcoms and movies and it never ends out well.

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ILUV SUGAR is available in over 65 countries and counting. A dating site where sugar meets style. Where dating is sugar, style, and everything in between.
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